Finding Inspiration

INSPIRATION – (definition from Oxford Languages) the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative Haven’t had much opportunity to go out and get photos of much more than the birds that visit the feeders in the back yard. I do love the birds and squirrels that come…

Don’t mind me – just coming through

An unusually warm day in February was a great opportunity to get outside and to the walking trail. The geese were migrating through, so the little lake was filled with geese. It was surprisingly quiet for the number of geese. The Canada Goose migrates through my area twice a year: Mid February through early April…

American Robin – The Well Known Indicator of Spring

The groundhog this year said we would have an early Spring. He was right, to a point. We had several warm days towards the end of February. Then the cold returned. This tends to be what happens. I’ve learned to be optimistic with the groundhog’s prediction, but rely on the sighting of the American Robin….

Yikes! It has been a while…

Isn’t it amazing how quickly time can pass? Seems like yesterday I posted about the Male Cardinal visiting my grandson’s bird feeder. Yet, here it is, over two months later! We have had a variety of weather during these past months. Some days it felt as if Winter would never get over, the next the…

Generations of Bird Watchers

“Grandma! Guess what!” “What?” “We had our first bird at the bird feeder. And it was a CARDINAL!” A few months ago I had ordered a bird feeder that ended up being much smaller than I had wanted. I’m not good about returning things, so I was trying to decide what to do with it. My daughter asked if…