Yikes! It has been a while…

Isn’t it amazing how quickly time can pass? Seems like yesterday I posted about the Male Cardinal visiting my grandson’s bird feeder. Yet, here it is, over two months later!

We have had a variety of weather during these past months. Some days it felt as if Winter would never get over, the next the sun was shining and we could be outside again. It does look as if we might be getting to a steady, nice, temperature here soon. I can hardly wait!

Even with the ever changing weather, there was opportunity to get out and get some photos. Here are a few from the past couple of months. Yes, there are stories for each one, but those stories will have to wait for another post.

Female American Gold Finch
Male House Sparrow and Red Breasted Woodpecker
Frank eating at sunset
Male House Finch sliding down the tree branch

Thank you for stopping by! Hope you liked the photos! Soon there will be stories to go with the photos. Just running out of time today.

Take care of yourselves!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Wonderful bird and squirrel images! We have a relative of the House Finch here in Colorado called Cassin’s Finch. When I lived in South Jersey we would get House and Purple … glad we have a cousin here. We had lots of them at our feeder this winter.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you like the photos. I don’t know that I have seen a Cassin’s Finch. I’m going to have to look it up. I like watching how deep red the House Finch gets in the Spring.

  2. Rupali says:

    Lovely images Kim.

  3. jsorensen31 says:

    I really enjoy your photos! In this group, my favorite is Frank, the squirrel. Having been able to watch these curious little animals in my own yard in years past, they would always amaze me – like the time one of them could take a full ear of corn our of a gallon jar in one of our feeders. Seems like only yesterday; however, it has been a few years.
    Keep up the good work – I really enjoy your posts.

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